Business development and licensing

Powering partnerships with
data-driven deal insights.

Accelerate alliances, growth, opportunities.

i2e’s BD & Licensing (BD&L) offerings help BD&L decision makers take the right decisions right from evaluating high-value licensing opportunities to identifying potential acquisition targets, conducting business and product due diligence. 

Leveraging real-world data and predictive modeling, we quantify unmet needs to highlight indications with significant commercial potential. We forecast peak sales, develop pricing scenarios, and assess competitive dynamics to value assets and enhance deal structuring. 

To articulate asset value, our analytics inform the development of compelling target product profiles and partnering materials, quantifying clinical differentiation and strategic market fit. 

We identify optimal partners through proprietary company matching algorithms and payer/KOL sentiment analysis. Our data quantifies potential synergy based on portfolio fit, risk tolerance, and capabilities. Prioritized outreach is enabled through target company briefings with clinical, commercial, and deal rationale insights. 

With our end-to-end solutions approach, BD teams can focus efforts on high-potential indications, assets, and partners to enhance pipeline expansion. We turn real-world evidence into actionable data to support evaluation, forecasting, packaging, outreach, and negotiations. 

Explore our services

Indication and Asset Prioritization

The ability to separate the most promising prospects from other less favourable ones is a key competitive edge. i2e helps align asset prioritization with core organizational capabilities, organizational risk tolerance, alignment with complimentary assets, guided by optimizing for higher probability of success. 

Forecasting and valuation

BD&L teams need to accurately value assets and forecast potential returns to strengthen their negotiating positions and improve chances of deal-making success. Our solutions leverage real-world data, predictive analytics, and financial modeling to provide data-driven forecasts and valuations. 

Target Product Profile (TPP) & Partnering Package Preparation

An integrated and cross-functionally developed Target Product Profile (TPP) facilitates strategic product go/no-go decision making along the development pathway at the different stage gates, minimizes risk, and improves contingency planning. Our TPP offering enables business development teams to optimize TPPs to articulate clinical value, enhance asset positioning, and align to strategic needs. 

Partner identification and reach out

Selecting the right partners is critical for pharma business development and licensing teams seeking to drive pipeline growth through value-creating deals. However, with multiple influencing variables externally and internally, it is challenging to identify the ideal targets with the highest strategic fit and shared value potential. Accelerated deadlines further complicate partner prioritization before outreach. 

Business development and licensing services

Bridging the gap between scientific excellence and commercial viability

Assisting life sciences organization to make informed decisions in identifying potential merger and acquisition targets, and licensing opportunities. 

The critical role of Business Development and Licensing (BD&L) in life sciences organizations

Business Development and Licensing in life sciences is crucial to deal with the challenges involved in bringing new drugs to the market where only a few become blockbusters. In such a competitive scenario companies need to complement home grown innovations with external resources.

Emerging Biotechs

Biotech companies often find it challenging to transform their scientific narrative into a compelling value proposition that investors find appealing.

Our BD&L services assist in translating these scientific achievements into a persuasive business case through market assessment and insights, revenue forecasting, strategic positioning and collaborative partnerships.

Big Pharma

Enterprise seeks specialized expertise in BD & licensing to expand their drug pipeline, accelerate drug development timelines, gain early market share, & share the financial risks and capital requirements associated with clinical trials and product launches.

We specialize in guiding large teams through the complexities of business development and licensing by navigating the intricate pathways of growth opportunities, mergers, acquisitions, and licensing deals.

Let us handle the complexities of turning your scientific achievements into a persuasive business case

Our services 

R&D product strategy

We leverage advanced analytics to prioritize the most promising indications and assets and develop compelling Target Product Profiles (TPPs) that articulate the clinical and strategic value of your assets. We ensure accuracy by considering critical factors such as unmet needs, commercial potential, and probability of technical and regulatory success.

Market access and reimbursement are critical to commercial success. We also guide you through the complexities of payer dynamics, pricing scenarios, and regulatory requirements to develop tailored market access strategies that maximize the impact of your products. 

Market assessment and insights

Our team of experienced professionals provides comprehensive business research services, delivering detailed Market assessments, therapy area reports, and insights into patient journeys and treatment algorithms.

We offer in-depth analysis of pipelines and competitors, equipping clients with the critical information needed to stay ahead in the market. Our expertise helps in identifying key market opportunities, understanding competitive landscapes, and devising effective strategies for success.

Product valuation

Scientists often focus on scientific aspects while investors and partners seek revenue and financial metrics. Our product valuation services can assist both parties using comprehensive forecasting which enables both scientists and investors to evaluate the financial viability and potential returns of the projects, while ensuring alignment with their strategic objectives.

Our team offers robust eNPV and forecast services, providing crucial insights into diagnosis treatment Evaluation, patient share, peak sales, and revenue forecasts. We also specialize in calculating NPV/eNPV and IRR to support our clients in making informed financial decisions.

Partner identification & reach out

Thorough evaluation of potential partners, their track record, culture, and decision-making processes is essential for successful partnerships. Our team of professionals can guide you through every stage of the partnering process, from crafting a compelling partnering package to developing a tailored partnering package.

Our extensive industry knowledge and network allow us to identify and prioritize the most relevant and strategic partners based on factors such as business goals, target markets, and existing collaborations. As discussions progress, we work alongside you and the partners to develop term sheets and milestone payment plans.

Our work

Using AI, a pharma client contains inventory cost overruns by achieving 95% accuracy in drug dosage predictions

A global pharma company achieved 82% accuracy in sales forecasting despite data discrepancies

Benefits and business outcomes

Accelerated market entry

Leverage partner’s distribution networks, regulatory expertise and prior experience for an early launch. 

Access to expertise

Partnering with large pharma companies provides access to the valuable knowledge and resources 

Mitigate financial risk

Companies do not have to heavily invest in the R&D

Flexibility and growth

Licensing agreements can provide upfront payments, milestone payments, royalties or combinations of all these. 

Key differentiators

15+ years of experience working with the large life sciences and healthcare companies across mature and emerging needs

Broad and deep capabilities in consulting, technology and outsourcing

Providing cost-efficient and high-quality services to all our clients.

Value driven Operations at Competitive Rates

Why i2e?

Our flexible, collaborative model is designed to meet the unique needs of BD&L teams. Whether you need short-term support during peak activity or extended assistance for larger projects, our experienced consultants are ready to deliver immediate and lasting value. 

At i2e Consulting, we are committed to helping you achieve strategic growth and success through expert business development and licensing services. Our unique blend of industry knowledge, strategic insight, and practical experience makes us the ideal partner for navigating the complexities of BD&L. Let us help you unlock your business’s full potential and achieve lasting success.

Unlock the potential of your scientific achievements
with our comprehensive BD&L services.

Let's connect