i2e's Upgrade Testing Success: Enabling a Pharma Giant's Flawless Planisware E7.X Transition


Business Case

Planisware released E7.X-a game changing version upgrade. Our client, a pharma giant, wanted to adopt the latest version to enhance their productivity and data handling capabilities. At the same time they wanted to make sure the upgrade was carried out smoothly without disrupting their critical processes. 

One way to make sure of this was to test the whole upgradation process to understand the impact before proceeding with the actual upgradation. They trusted i2e consulting to conduct the testing based on our acknowledged success in managing end-to-end testing services for many previous Planisware releases. The client wanted a detailed report of the testing process which can help them to take informed decisions at each stage of the upgradation process.


  • The E7.X upgrade represented a significant shift, requiring comprehensive testing to assess the potential impact
  • There were chances the upgradation may impact critical data and operational processes
  • Need for robust, data-driven insights to take a go or no-go decision on the upgradation
  • Proactively understand upgrade risks and align the project schedule accordingly
  • Need to deliver the project within a tight timeline of 3 months, so that the client can kickstart the post upgrade process
  • Business pressures to have the upgrade complete before the start of annual Op
  • Planning meant that any delay would have critical business impact

Challenges Overcame

Due to significant UI and navigation changes in E7, creating test scripts was challenging. Our expertise and deep knowledge of Planisware helped us to overcome this and come up with some out-of-the box options to create test scripts suitable for E7.


Team i2e planned to conduct regression testing in close cooperation with the Planisware team. The testing process was designed such that it runs simultaneously with the upgradation process, reducing the timelines significantly.

Step 1
Test scripts Creation and Dry run

Develop test scripts for E7.X and conduct a dry run to make sure all the scripts are as expected. The dry run was key in the early discovery of defects, allowing the development team to make corrective measures before the actual verification cycles. This resulted in improved QA and lowered the risk of delay before a production release.

If clients have an existing regression scripts library, then team i2e carries the expertise to review the existing scripts and make necessary changes. For example, our team can help you with any configurations that can convert from the older, more complex L2 code to the admin friendly L1 code that is easier to maintain.

Step 2
Conduct Regression Testing

Conducted complete regression testing of all the scripts throughout all project phases. Team i2e worked with Planisware to make sure the regression testing was done simultaneously with the upgradation process. 

The whole upgradation was conducted in multiple sprints, and i2e designed its testing process around these sprints to make sure the testing and upgrade processes ran parallelly. This resulted in a major reduction in the timelines of the overall upgrade process to just 3 months. It also minimized the potential impact on critical processes and reduced the failure rate of the upgrade process to near zero.

Step 3
Rerun the small number of failed scripts

Once the testing is done, our team gave detailed documentation of the failures to the client and the Planisware team. Once the issues were fixed, those modules were tested again to check the results. This reduced the failure rate to zero.

Our comprehensive documentation facilitated informed decision-making and empowered the client to manage their upgrade strategically.


  • Significant reduction of the timelines because of parallel testing and upgrading
  • Dry running the scripts reduced the defect counts significantly
  • Parallel regression testing minimized the potential impact on critical processes and reduced the failure rate to zero
  • Detailed documentation of the test results resulted in informed decision-making
  • Overall seamless migration from V6.X to E7.X ensured continuity in business processes
  • Visibility of the entire process with detailed overview of the errors
  • Reduced defect counts and efficient processes lead to significant cost savings

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